What are Animated Step-by-Steps®?
Animated Step-by-Steps® (ASbyS) are interactive digital materials that are PowerPoint-based. They are designed to support literacy, language and AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) across a broad spectrum of classroom activities (recipes, crafts, poems, songs, stories, games and science projects). Depending upon the resource, Animated Step-by-Steps® can also address a broad range of academic targets such as counting/numbers, addition, subtraction, time, money, colors, clothing, body parts to list a few. The overall design is highly consistent across activities, making them a great resource for children with learning challenges.
Over 270 titles in several formats!There are currently over 270 digital titles, available in three and sometimes four formats: Regular (no picture symbol support), SymbolStix-supported (n2y), Picture Communication Symbols-supported (Mayer-Johnson/Dynavox) and VI (optimized for Visual Impairment). New titles are continually being added to this library of creative resources.
How do Animated Step-by-Steps® work?
A page typically opens with just the text visible. Page text is interspersed with stars that signal the presence of supporting animations. Read the text until you come to a star, then click/tap (depending upon your display format) to trigger an animation, specifically designed to support what was just read. As each animation incorporates clear, realistic photos / graphics and are supported by great sound effects, they are highly appropriate for a broad range of students reflecting both regular and special education
If you have a symbol-supported version, the picture symbols will appear AFTER all the page animations are completed. This design ensures the addition of symbols does not 'steal attention' from the literacy agenda. If you prefer to 'read' the ASbyS using the symbols, the grouped symbols can be moved to the beginning of the animation sequence allowing them to appear when the page opens. It is important to note that the two videotape demos provided primarily reflect a language/AAC agenda. If modeled on an interactive whiteboard, the pen tools are extremely helpful in providing a more focused literacy agenda. |
How are Animated Step-by-Steps® displayed?
Animated Step-by-Steps® can be flexibly displayed on either the ‘big screen’ or the ‘little screen’.
For example, you might first introduce an ASbyS science project to the entire class on the ‘big screen’ (the classroom’s interactive whiteboard) and later have students rotate through an activity center with the ASbyS set up on the ‘little screen’ (the classroom’s iPad). The iPad is used to visually pace individual students or pairs of students through the steps for conducting their science project. ‘Big screen’:
‘Little Screen’:
How are the animations triggered?
There are numerous ways to trigger the animations across display formats:
For more specific information, please visit the Animated Step-by-Steps® blog http://bit.ly/RemoteSwitchAccess
- When using the interactive whiteboard (IWB) the animations can be accessed directly by tapping the IWB, or indirectly by pressing a remote switch that communicates with the IWB computer in either a wired or wireless fashion.
- When using a large screen TV in conjunction with Apple TV, the animations can be controlled directly on the iPad that is being used to mirror content on the TV. The Microsoft PowerPoint app is being used to display the ASbyS on the iPad. You will be using a swipe to the left to trigger the animations. It is also possible to pair a Bluetooth switch such as Bluetooth Super-Switch (RJ Cooper and Associates) with the iPad, allowing the child to press the Super-Switch or an alternate switch plugged into the SuperSwitch.
- When using a computer monitor to display your ASbyS, you will be triggering the animations directly using a mouse or indirectly using a remote switch connected to the computer either wired (plugged into a switch interface) or wirelessly (using a bluetooth switch).
- When using the iPad, the ASbyS is displayed using the free Microsoft PowerPoint app (available through the Apple apps store). Animations are triggered directly using a swipe to the left or indirectly using a bluetooth switch paired with the iPad.
For more specific information, please visit the Animated Step-by-Steps® blog http://bit.ly/RemoteSwitchAccess
Who can benefit from using Animated Step-by-Steps®?
Animated Step-by-Steps® are designed to support the needs of both regular and special education. They are very appropriate for blended classrooms as they foster differentiated instruction for students with developmental delays. As ASbySs are digital in nature, they appear to be especially engaging for students on the Autism Spectrum. They also include several features that make them desirable for early switch training with students who are physically challenged. Most titles reflect a preschool/early childhood focus, but many of the recipes and science projects are appropriate for use with older individuals who are developmentally delayed.